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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Just in time for Memorial Day! Grandma's Cucs and Onions

Having a hard time thinking about what to make for your Memorial Day Party?  On a budget?  Try this fantastic and super easy salad.  It's goes great with Corn on the Cob, BBQ, Burgers, just about anything.  It adds the perfect zing to your plate and you can build this creation for about $5!

This is my great grandma's recipe so you can thank her...

Cucs and Onions

1 regular English Cucumber - washed and thinly sliced
1 red onion - thinly sliced
4 tbsp Apple Cider Vinegar
1/3 C. oil of choice

2 tsp fresh dill (or 1/2 tsp dried)
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
Few cracks of fresh pepper

Combine cucumber and onions in bowl.  Chop dill and top with a few cracks of pepper.  Mix together vinegar, oil, salt and sugar.

Drizzle over bowl.  

Toss to combine.  

Let sit at room temperature for at least 2 hours before serving, tossing occasionally.  Chill leftovers.  They'll keep for about 5 days in the fridge.  The red onion can sometimes bleed into the dressing turning everything a pinky hue so if you're going to be making this ahead of time, I'd recommend no more than 24 hours in advance.

Variations: Toss in some fresh tomatoes before serving along with some crumbled feta for a delicious greek salad.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Super Cute Lunch Ideas this one isn't exactly related to a recipe per say but it does have to do with some super cute lunch box ideas.  Want to create beautiful lunches for your kids to open?  Making them feel uber special while enhancing the chances that they'll actually eat that asparagus?  Like this...

or this...

Can you see how cute these things are?  Another amazing site is  She has put together some adorable lunch box ideas and gives you tutorials.  She also has adorable themes to help your kids learn colors and the alphabet!  I can't wait to start packing lunches.

Does it get any cuter?  

And what's the moral of this?  Well it's to promote the site All Things for Sale and their giveaway.  Here's the have 1 day to enter to win their beginner kit so don't delay!  Click here for the giveaway info.

Happy lunchbox making everyone!  

Psst...May is Celiac Awareness Month so I'm going to work hard to bring some new gluten-free recipes to the table.  Stay tuned!!!